Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Welcome and Introduction

Hi -

By way of introduction, my name is Jason Scharton, and I am a Product Marketer for 3M. Specifically, I work with the adhesives, body fillers, textured coatings, seam sealers, etc. that allow Body Technicians to restore the structure and shape of vehicles that have been damaged, before the Painter ever gets a chance to make it colorful.

Of course, most of these products have many uses (and users, actually) beyond Collision Repair and Refinish. I'm sure that I'll discuss these uses, along the way, but the main focus of this blog will most likely center around my work in the collision industry.

Why have I created this blog?

Basically, I want to learn about this technology. As a Gen-X'er, I grew up at the same time personal computers did. I like computers - as tools/gadgets/gizmos - but not in a tear 'em down and rebuild them sort of way. I flirted with some programming, and while I enjoy it to a point, it really wasn't something I wanted to dedicate my life or career to.

Funny enough, I remember one of my friends in college (Don - you great visionary, you!) raving about this cool new thing called the "World Wide Web" and how it was going to revolutionize everything. I'm afraid I didn't pay much attention then - and, as a result, I feel I've just missed the boat on the whole thing. Sure, I use the Internet - who doesn't? Big part of my life. But, I have never created a web page. I don't know HTML. And now, with Web 2.0 already giving way to Web 3.0 (and I JUST heard about THAT, today!) I want to get on board.

So, I'm starting with this blog. I'm hoping to be able to share my experiences as a product marketer within 3M - the good, the bad - as well as hopefully imparting a little practical knowledge on Body Repair techniques and processes. I Love to Teach, and this is a little way for me to keep my hand in the game. While I will never call myself an "expert" - I know a few who are, and I will endeavor to connect the dots for anyone with an interest.

So, long enough for this evening. If you are reading this, I hope that you'll continue to follow the feed - and we'll see where it takes us.


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